Javascript is not enabled. This site can still works but it'll be more
interactive when javascript is enabled.
About Page
This page is generated from in the markdown format.
The conversion is done on the server powered by marked, a node.js library, No need to ship javascript library to the client ;)
Also, the html is generated only once and cached in memory. This technique is known as SSG, which is more efficient than SSR for static content (that doesn't change regarding on the request session).
Source Code of about.tsx(import statements omitted for simplicity, click to expand)
import { o } from '../jsx/jsx.js'
import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { Switch } from '../components/router.js'
import { Raw } from '../components/raw.js'
import { prerender } from '../jsx/html.js'
import { Menu } from '../components/menu.js'
import SourceCode from '../components/source-code.js'
import { markdownToHtml } from '../format/markdown.js'
import { Routes } from '../routes.js'
import { title } from '../../config.js'
import { StaticFile } from '../components/static-file.js'
let text = readFileSync('').toString()
let html = Raw(await markdownToHtml(text))
let markdown = <pre style="white-space: break-spaces">{text}</pre>
markdown = (
<code class="language-markdown">{text}</code>
// The JSX expression don't need to be re-built on every render
let About = (
<div id="about">
<h1>About Page</h1>
This page is generated from in the <code>markdown</code> format.
The conversion is done on the server powered by{' '}
<a href="">marked</a>, a node.js
library, No need to ship javascript library to the client ;)
Also, the html is generated only once and cached in memory. This technique
is known as <abbr title="Static Site Generation">SSG</abbr>, which is more
efficient than <abbr title="Server-Side Rendering">SSR</abbr> for static
content (that doesn't change regarding on the request session).
<SourceCode page="about.tsx" />
<p>This page also demonstrate nested routes.</p>
{ url: '/about', menuText: 'Rendered HTML' },
{ url: '/about/markdown', menuText: 'Source Markdown' },
separator=" / "
'/about': html,
'/about/markdown': markdown,
const License = prerender(
<p style="white-space:pre-wrap">
? readFileSync('LICENSE').toString()
: 'LICENSE file is missing. You can put it in the project root directory, alone-side with the package.json'}
// StaticFile is a helper function, it is functionally identical to above code for the license file
const Help = StaticFile('help.txt')
let routes = {
'/about/:mode?': {
title: title('About'),
'About ts-liveview - a server-side rendering realtime webapp framework with progressive enhancement',
menuText: 'About',
menuUrl: '/about',
menuMatchPrefix: true,
node: About,
streaming: true,
title: 'BSD 2-Clause License of ts-liveview',
'ts-liveview is a free open source project licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License',
node: License,
'/help.txt': {
title: 'Getting started on ts-liveview',
'Getting started guide of ts-liveview with bash scripts and npm scripts',
node: Help,
} satisfies Routes
export default { routes }