This page demo supporting users with multiple languages and timezones.
Current language: en
Current timezone: unknown
You can switch the language in the page footer as well.
import { title } from '../../config.js'
import { Locale, isPreferZh } from '../components/locale.js'
import SourceCode from '../components/source-code.js'
import { PickLanguage } from '../components/ui-language.js'
import { Context, getContextLanguage, getContextTimezone } from '../context.js'
import { o } from '../jsx/jsx.js'
import { Routes } from '../routes.js'
function DemoLocale(attrs: {}, context: Context) {
let lang = getContextLanguage(context) || 'unknown'
let timezone = getContextTimezone(context) || 'unknown'
return (
<div id="demo-locale">
<Locale en="Locale Demo" zh="本地化設置示範" />
en="This page demo supporting users with multiple languages and timezones."
<Locale en="Current language:" zh="目前語言:" /> {lang}
<Locale en="Current timezone:" zh="目前時區:" /> {timezone}
<PickLanguage />
en="You can switch the language in the page footer as well."
<SourceCode page="demo-locale.tsx" />
let routes = {
'/locale': {
menuText: <Locale en="Locale" zh="本地化" />,
resolve(context) {
let zh = isPreferZh(context)
return {
title: title(zh ? '本地化設置示範' : 'Locale Demo'),
description: zh
? '示範支援多種語言和時區 (i18n)'
: 'Locale demo for multiple languages and timezone (i18n)',
node: <DemoLocale />,
} satisfies Routes
export default { routes }