此頁面是從 README.md 轉換成 markdown
轉換是在伺服器端完成的,使用 marked,這是一個 node.js 庫,無需將 JavaScript 庫發送到客戶端 ;)
此外,HTML 只需生成一次並緩存在記憶體中。這種技術稱為 SSG,比 SSR 更適合靜態內容(即內容不會根據 請求的 Session 改變)。
import { o } from '../jsx/jsx.js'
import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { Switch } from '../components/router.js'
import { Raw } from '../components/raw.js'
import { prerender } from '../jsx/html.js'
import { Menu } from '../components/menu.js'
import SourceCode from '../components/source-code.js'
import { markdownToHtml } from '../format/markdown.js'
import { Routes } from '../routes.js'
import { StaticFile } from '../components/static-file.js'
import { Locale } from '../components/locale.js'
let text = readFileSync('README.md').toString()
let html = Raw(await markdownToHtml(text))
let markdown = <pre style="white-space: break-spaces">{text}</pre>
markdown = (
<code class="language-markdown">{text}</code>
// The JSX expression don't need to be re-built on every render
let About = (
<div id="about">
<Locale en="About Page" zh_hk="關於頁面" zh_cn="关于页面" />
This page is generated from README.md in the <code>markdown</code>{' '}
此頁面是從 README.md 轉換成 <code>markdown</code> 格式生成的。
此页面是从 README.md 转换成 <code>markdown</code> 格式生成的。
The conversion is done on the server powered by{' '}
<a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked">marked</a>, a node.js
library. No need to ship JavaScript library to the client ;)
轉換是在伺服器端完成的,使用{' '}
<a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked">marked</a>,這是一個
node.js 庫,無需將 JavaScript 庫發送到客戶端 ;)
转换是在服务器端完成的,使用{' '}
<a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/marked">marked</a>,这是一个
node.js 库,无需将 JavaScript 库发送到客户端 ;)
Also, the HTML is generated only once and cached in memory. This
technique is known as{' '}
<abbr title="Static Site Generation">SSG</abbr>, which is more
efficient than <abbr title="Server-Side Rendering">SSR</abbr> for
static content (that doesn't change based on the request session).
此外,HTML 只需生成一次並緩存在記憶體中。這種技術稱為{' '}
<abbr title="靜態網站生成">SSG</abbr>,比{' '}
<abbr title="伺服器端渲染">SSR</abbr> 更適合靜態內容(即內容不會根據
請求的 Session 改變)。
此外,HTML 只需生成一次并缓存在内存中。这种技术称为{' '}
<abbr title="静态网站生成">SSG</abbr>,比{' '}
<abbr title="服务器端渲染">SSR</abbr> 更适合静态内容(即内容不会根据
请求的 Session 改变)。
<SourceCode page="about.tsx" />
en="This page also demonstrates nested routes."
zh_hk="此頁面還展示了嵌套路由 (nested routes)。"
zh_cn="此页面还展示了嵌套路由 (nested routes)。"
{ url: '/about', menuText: 'Rendered HTML' },
{ url: '/about/markdown', menuText: 'Source Markdown' },
separator=" / "
'/about': html,
'/about/markdown': markdown,
const License = prerender(
<p style="white-space:pre-wrap">
? readFileSync('LICENSE').toString()
: 'LICENSE file is missing. You can put it in the project root directory, alone-side with the package.json'}
// StaticFile is a helper function, it is functionally identical to above code for the license file
const Help = StaticFile('help.txt')
let routes = {
'/about/:mode?': {
menuText: <Locale en="About" zh_hk="關於" zh_cn="关于" />,
menuUrl: '/about',
menuMatchPrefix: true,
streaming: true,
title: (
en="About ts-liveview"
zh_hk="關於 ts-liveview"
zh_cn="关于 ts-liveview"
description: (
en="About ts-liveview - a server-side rendering realtime webapp framework with progressive enhancement"
zh_hk="關於 ts-liveview - 一個具有漸進增強功能的伺服器端渲染即時網頁應用框架"
zh_cn="关于 ts-liveview - 一个具有渐进增强功能的伺服器端渲染即时网页应用框架"
node: About,
title: (
en="BSD 2-Clause License of ts-liveview"
zh_hk="ts-liveview 的 BSD 2-Clause 授權條款"
zh_cn="ts-liveview 的 BSD 2-Clause 授权条款"
description: (
en="ts-liveview is a free open source project licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License"
zh_hk="ts-liveview 是一個基於 BSD 2-Clause 授權條款的免費開源項目"
zh_cn="ts-liveview 是一个基于 BSD 2-Clause 授权条款的免费开源项目"
node: License,
'/help.txt': {
title: (
en="Getting started on ts-liveview"
zh_hk="ts-liveview 新手入門指南"
zh_cn="ts-liveview 新手入门指南"
description: (
en="Getting started guide of ts-liveview with bash scripts and npm scripts"
zh_hk="ts-liveview 的新手入門指南,包含 bash 腳本和 npm 腳本"
zh_cn="ts-liveview 的新手入门指南,包含 bash 脚本和 npm 脚本"
node: Help,
} satisfies Routes
export default { routes }
此頁面還展示了嵌套路由 (nested routes)。