This page demo how to implement server-filtered auto-complete input field.
The server holds a list of 106,165 dictionary words.
When the user input some text, the server filter the list by running: words.filter(word => word.includes(input))
To avoid freezing the UI. When there exists more than 20 matches, the server will only send top 20 matches (with lowest edit distance) to the browser.
It all happens on the server so the client does not need to download additional libraries.
import { o } from '../jsx/jsx.js'
import type { attrs } from '../jsx/types'
import { existsSync, readdirSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { join } from 'path'
import { Update } from '../components/update.js'
import { distance } from 'fastest-levenshtein'
import SourceCode from '../components/source-code.js'
import { getContextSearchParams, Context } from '../context.js'
import { Routes } from '../routes.js'
import { Locale, Title } from '../components/locale.js'
const wordSet = new Set<string>()
const dictDir = '/usr/share/dict'
if (existsSync(dictDir)) {
if (wordSet.size === 0) {
function loadWordsFromDir() {
readdirSync(dictDir).forEach(file => {
file = join(dictDir, file)
.forEach(line => {
line = line.trim()
if (line) {
function loadWordsFromPackage() {
?.map(s => s.slice(1, -1)) // remove double quotes
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
.filter(s => !(! + 1)) // skip package versions
.filter(s => !s.includes('.com')) // skip email address
.forEach(s => wordSet.add(s))
const words = Array.from(wordSet)
const TopN = 20
let content = (
<div id="auto-complete-demo">
<h1>Auto-complete Demo</h1>
This page demo how to implement server-filtered auto-complete input field.
The server holds a list of {words.length.toLocaleString()} dictionary
When the user input some text, the server filter the list by running:{' '}
<code>{`words.filter(word => word.includes(input))`}</code>
To avoid freezing the UI. When there exists more than {TopN} matches, the
server will only send top {TopN} matches (with lowest{' '}
<a href="">
edit distance
) to the browser.
It all happens on the server so the client does not need to download
additional libraries.
<fieldset style="display: inline-block">
Total number of matches:{' '}
<span id="num-matches">
(Input at least one character to get auto-complete list)
<label for="input-package">Try to input an English word: </label>
placeholder="e.g. apple"
<datalist id="package-list"></datalist>
<SourceCode page="auto-complete-demo.tsx" />
function renderUpdate(input: string) {
const allMatches = words.filter(word => word.includes(input))
const topMatches = allMatches
.map(word => [word, distance(word, input)] as const)
.sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])
.slice(0, TopN)
return (
'#auto-complete-demo #package-list',
[[word]) => <option value={word} />)],
'#auto-complete-demo #num-matches',
export function AutoCompleteDemo(_attrs: attrs, context: Context) {
if (context.type === 'ws') {
const input = getContextSearchParams(context)?.get('input')
if (input) {
return renderUpdate(input)
return content
let t = <Locale en="Auto Complete" zh_hk="自動輸入框" zh_cn="自动输入框" />
let routes = {
'/auto-complete': {
menuText: t,
title: <Title t={t} />,
description: (
en="Server-driven auto-complete input box demo"
node: <AutoCompleteDemo />,
} satisfies Routes
export default { routes }